Home Stretch

We are entering the home stretch of the 2022-2023 school year! The fourth quarter has officially started and students are engrossed in classes and projects. The end of the year is quickly approaching. Graduation will be June 16th and the underclassmen celebration will be June 21st. More information will be shared about both of those events. Additionally, the middle school will host their end of the year celebration on June 20th. Again, more information will be sent home.

Spring has Sprung

Grades for 3rd quarter close today 3/31. This means we are headed into the 4th and final quarter of the school year. Wellness activities are moving back outside and students are able to enjoy the fresh air. Wellness activities available to students in the spring will include making small flower pots, walking the trail on property, and outdoor games.

End of the Semester

We are rapidly approaching the end of the semester. Students are wrapping up their classes and preparing to start new ones.

We have had some changes to our school Calendar. Due to the Snow Days we had last month we are extending our semester by 2 days. Grades will close January 24th. 
There will be No School January 25th, it will be teacher work day.

School Cancellation Procedures

GHS uses WMUR News 9 as the designated location where school closings due to weather will be posted. These closing are listed online at www.wmur.com. Once you go to their website, click on the tab for closings, and you will see Granite Hill School listed. Granite Hill School DOES NOT do a phone message to families when school is cancelled.

If your student’s district closes due to weather, but GHS is still open, transportation will not be provided and your student is not expected to come in. If your student’s district has a 2 hour delay, transportation will pick your student up after the 2 hour delay.

Fall Fun

Next week the entire GHS community will take part in our annual Punkin’ Chunkin’ event! This event also coincides with Spirit Week! This week is always full of fun and laughs and we cannot wait to have some fun. The Spirit Week schedule is available at the link below.

Spirit Week Schedule

Welcome Back!

As Granite Hill enters its 3rd week of the 2022-2023 school year, we are excited to share some of the changes in the school this year. First we have a few new staff members that the students have already had a chance to meet. We would like to welcome them all to the GHS community!

This year, all students are participating in a new advisory program. In this program students get to work on tasks that focus on social emotional learning (SEL). These skills will help them be successful both in and out of the classroom. Activities included team building games, strategy exercises, and brain teasers.

We are also excited to share that over the summer 4 elements of a high ropes course were added to the property. Students will have a chance to use this course at various times throughout the year.

We are thrilled to see what this new school year will bring!

3rd Quarter Update

We are halfway through the 3rd quarter! The end of the year is coming up fast! Students have settled into their second semester classes and have been working hard. Progress reports are being prepared by teachers this week and will be sent home next week. GHS is aware of the changes in mask mandates and is currently working on revising our mask policy. For the time being, our mask policy will remain the same. GHS will notify all community members if any changes to our mask policy occur.

Switching It Up

Hello GHS community! Can you believe the mid-point of the school year is upon us? This is the last week of the first semester. Students are working hard finishing up their first semester courses. On Monday, all classes will switch and students will begin new classes for second semester. Report cards for this quarter will also be going home once grades are finalized.

Remote Learning Schedule

While the high school at GHS is virtual, students should follow the schedule below. Students are expected to attend ALL classes at the designated time; as if they were at school in person. Students should use the links provided in their individual Google Classrooms. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school.

A Block Start Time: 9am

B Block Start Time: 10am

C Block Start Time: 11am

D Block Start Time: 12pm